
The word „Haver” means „Friend” in both Hebrew and Hungarian. Haver Foundation is a non-profit Jewish community organization working in the field of informal education. In cooperation with high schools and universities, as well as other public institutions and NGOs, Haver strives to tackle prejudice, anti-Semitism and intolerance present in today's Hungary.

Using tools and methods of informal education, and with the contribution of young volunteer educators, Haver Foundation brings an authentic Jewish voice to high school and university classes, in an effort to initiate illuminating discussions about topics like Jewish identity, culture, heritage, religion, community, remembrance, and the Holocaust. The interactive sessions provide an accessible space for students to discuss and look beyond historical facts and figures, and explore individual life stories of Jewish people, both in a historical and a contemporary perspective.

Since its foundation in 2002, Haver has been working towards its mission of challenging stereorypical thinking and prejudiced attitudes in young people, as well as building a society where living together is based on curiosity, reciprocal understanding, and shared values. Haver promotes an ongoing dialogue between Jews and non-Jews in the hope of contributing to attitudes of openness and acceptance in students and young people.

Haver Foundation reaches an average of 2-3000 students and educators annually.



Board members

  • Büchler Tamás Tamás Büchler
    board member, volunteer educator
  • Doffek Tamás Tamás Doffek
    co-founder, board member
  • Fritz Zsuzsa Zsuzsa Fritz
    board member, volunteer educator
  • Haberman Zoltán Zoltán Haberman
  • Kenesei Marcell Marcell Kenesei
    board member, volunteer educator
  • Dr. Szeszler Anna Dr. Anna Szeszler
    board member


  • Félix Anikó Anikó Félix
  • Grunzó Zsófi Zsófi Grunzó


  • Eszter Barasits
  • Barna Lili Lili Barna
  • Császár Liza Liza Császár
  • Csillik Dávid Dávid Csillik
  • Elek Luca Luca Elek
  • Greskovits Bori Bori Greskovits
  • Hann Luca Luca Hann
  • Hegedűs Arnó Arnó Hegedűs
  • Horn Tomi Tomi Horn
  • Jonás Éva Éva Jónás
  • Kolozs Andrea Andrea Kolozs
  • Komjáthy Lili Lili Komjáthy
  • Neumann Péter Péter Neumann
  • Pál Bori Bori Pál
  • Surányi Ráchel Ráchel Surányi
  • Tordai Bence Bence Tordai
  • Várhelyi Hanga Hanga Várhelyi

Co-founders of the HAVER Foundation

People who dreamed it up and launched it using own funds:

  • Tamás Doffek
  • Zsuzsa Fritz
  • Luca Illy
  • Levente Kovács
  • Eszter Lányi
  • Edina Schőn
  • Rabbi József Schweitzer (Founder)
  • Anikó Verő
  • Rabbi Tamás Verő
A Haver Alapítvány csapata



1053 Budapest,
Ferenciek tere 7-8


Anikó Félix





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We – seven friends – have launched Haver Foundation in 2002.

Already having had experience with another program involving students and Holocaust survivors, we would feel like there was still plenty for us to do. We wanted the word „Jewish” to be associated with concepts other than just „antisemitism” and „Holocaust”. We wished to talk to students about being Jewish, or simply be able to use the word „Jew” without the restraints of taboos. We wanted to create a comfortable space where students can ask their questions openly. So we would sit around the table in my office and talk for hours, long into the nights, loudly, passionately, seasoned with plenty of hearty laughter. This is the way Haver Foundation was born.

We hadn’t had much experience with such work so the process involved a fair share of learning, too. First of all, we needed a founder, so we asked Chief Rabbi József Schweitzer to take on the role, may his memory be a blessing. We also needed funds, so we pooled the assets ourselves, and later started applying for funds.

Finally, we needed a board. Eszter Lányi took on the position of board chair; her background in education, her intelligence and assertive communication style helped her grow and make sensible, sound decisions regarding Haver. She kept the board together and always showed good example. Edina Schőn brought her extensive experience in education and management; her strong critical skills and outspoken attitude inspired us to always keep a critical eye on our work, and to be brave enough to bring up the truly difficult questions as well. Rabbi Tamás Verő had a strong and heartfelt connection to Jewish culture and community – this is what helped take Haver’s sessions from one classroom to the next, offering insight into Jewish life to a continuously growing number of students. Anikó Verő brought her vast experiences to the aid of all practical matters of the organization. Levente Kovács and his creative, strategic approach kept Haver on the path of continuous growth, and inspired us to keep asking new questions – we were lucky to have him because he used his outside perspective to offer us invaluable insight. Tamás Doffek was a great help in launching Haver’s fundraising activities and creating financial stability for the organization. Luca Illy, a brilliant and meticulous educator, oversaw all of our methodological work. Judit Mandl joined the board later on, and aided us in the interpretation of legal questions; her and I, we are members of the board to this day. My own role is to ensure the successful application of non-formal educational tools in practice, as well as to keep the spirits high within Haver.

Apart from the many volunteers, executives Zsófi Steiner, Dávid Kertész and Mircea Cernov have also greatly contributed to the growth and success of Haver. They have laid the groundwork for all activities that are still going on today within the organization. Since 2015, Haver operates with a new, extended board, new executive and education coordinator, and unrelenting energy. Its mission remains unchanged.

Zsuzsanna Fritz
Founder and board member