
Our informal educational sessions aim to offer young people a chance to discuss and find out more about Jewish topics in a fun, easy-going and accessible manner. We use tought provoking exercises, role playing, moderated discussions, as well as multimedia tools, aiming to enable participants to benefit from our sessions and to take away not only new information, but also growth in openness towards others’ opinions.
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Informal educational sessions

Our sessions are 90 minutes long, and we offer them free of charge for schools and other educational institutions. In case of sessions outside of the capital, we are happy to accept the reimbursement of travel.

We offer the following sessions for schools and other educational institutions:

Identity and tolerance session

Who is a Jew, and what does ’Jewish’ mean exactly? Is it a religion? A people? A culture? A community of fate? Anyway, who is in charge of defining what ’Jewish’ means?

Jewish quarter guided tour

Sites, stories, traditions and communities of the historical Jewish quarter of Budapest – an interactive guided tour.


Personal accounts, human destinies through the lense of the memoirs of a Holocaus-survivor.

Dilemma café

Personal tales, life-changing situations – dilemmas and possible answers.

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